Insight Reports
The following reports give insights in particular aspects of the joint ENTSO-E TYNDP work.
Stakeholder engagement
The TYNDP is a collective exercise. The quality of its output very much depends on ENTSO-E's ability to engage as early and as extensively as possible with all parties that have an interest in how the power grid is designed. Learn how ENTSO-E did it in 2016 and how it plans to increase participation in 2018.
Future system perspectives
Where does one start to plan network development 15 years ahead? How to make sure the assumptions used are realistic and at the same time future-looking enough? How to broaden the scope of possibilities but maintain a sufficient level of feasibility? Learn how long-term grid planning is done in the TYNDP.
A push for Projects of Common Interest
Why Europe needs an infrastructure push even with more local generation, storage and demand response? Is Europe regulation on infrastructure delivering its promise? What could be done differently to ease the building of priority projects?
Focus on the Nordic and Baltic Sea
Looking at what is driving grid development in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region: integration of the Baltic power systems, enabling North to South power flows? Impact of planned nuclear decommissioning in Sweden and Finland?
North Seas - regional planning
What congestions is the TYNDP tackling in the North Seas region? What progress for the North Sea Offshore Grid? What about a new long term West-East corridor?
North-South interconnections in Western Europe - regional planning
How to plan a grid to manage connection of large renewable plants in the North and in the South? How to move large quantities of renewables accross long distances? See how the energy transition is game changing network development in Western Europe.
North-South Interconnections in Central-East and South-East Europe
Building power bridges between Eastern and Western Europe; relieving the bottlenecks in Central Europe; see what grid development the Central East and the South East regions are facing.
Baltic Synchronisation
How to integrate further the Baltic countries in the European power system? What about the desynchronisation with the Russian power system? What infrastructure solutions for a secure and competitive Baltic power system?
Technologies for Transmission System
Current advances in technology offer project promoters many opportunities to implement new solutions to cope with future network development, which is defined in the TYNDP. Together with current technologies, innovative technologies will be incorporated with the existing infrastructure. These technologies have their own learning curves and innovation cycles. Project promotors, regulators and policy makers need to understand something of each technology and their availability by the time of project development.
Viability of the energy mix
The energy mix has been and is facing significant changes accross Europe, with a signficant increase of production of electricity from renewable sources. While it leads to significant reduction of CO2 emissions of the power sector, it creates some additional challenges both from the technical and economic point of view that are being described further in this Insight Report.
The link between system adequacy and the TYNDP
Are there risks to Europe's pan-European adequacy in the next five to ten years? Why is it important to assess adequacy at a pan-European scale? What methodology is ENTSO-E using and does it cater for the rapid change in Europe's generation mix?
Data and expertise as key ingredients
The TYNDP is an open process. This report will give you the list of data sources and tools used by the ENTSO-E experts to make the TYNDP and what you can freely access to support your own research.