Central East integration

Strengthening the grid in Central Eastern Europe between Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

The driver for investments in this region is to decrease price-differences between Poland and the neighbouring countries as well as to increase security of supply.

TYNDP findings


The analyses show that prices in Poland are strictly related to CO2-prices. Self-sufficiency of Poland allows sustaining a high level of security of supply at the expense of high energy prices. The emissions are dependent on the visions, where low CO2-prices lead to increased coal-fired production, hence increased emissions. Implementation in Poland of high-efficiency coal technology allows a signifiicant decrease od emissions levels.


Welfare and Capacity

Detailed TYNDP project CBAs show that average SEW contributions per project in the perimeter of this boundary range from 40 to 82MEuro/year. This corresponds to about 95 MEuro/year per additional GW of transfer capacity.

Interconnection target for 2030

Making the balance between societal welfare gain and infrastructure investment costs for increasing levels of interconnection, the optimal level of interconnection ranges from 2,5 GW to 4,5 GW. Compared with the present and planned investments this shows a potential for further projects.


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