TYNDP 2016
These are the headline numbers from TYNDP 2016
investments, of which 70-80 by 2030
impact on bills due to transmission investment
RES across 4 Visions for 2030
emissions cut depending on the vision
potential reduction in wholesale prices
reduction in congestion hours
Executive and Insight Reports
A view on future power system needs

The 2016 edition of the 10-year network development plan (TYNDP) builds on the 2014 edition and offers a view on what grid is needed where to achieve Europe's climate objectives by 2030.
Even if local generation, demand response, storage and energy efficiency, will play an increasing role, the studies show that an extension of the current grid is needed to allow the shift of large quantities of renewables to the main consumption centres.
The TYNDP 2016 foresees up to 150 billion euros of investments in grid infrastructure supporting 200 projects in transmission and storage. The TYNDP 2016 explores the possibility of a power system where 80% of the emissions will be cut by 2030.
Executive Report →Along with the Executive Report, ENTSO-E with stakeholders have published 12 Inisght Reports which present detailed explanation and analysis on specific Regional issues, and on the context, techniques and processes of the TYNDP.
Insight Reports →The public consultation
ENTSO-E organised a public consultation from June to September 2016 on the TYNDP 2016 package, as well as on the scope and principles of the next TYNDP. More than 350 comments have been received. ENTSO-E would like to warmly thank all those who took the time to help making the TYNDP a better tool for Europe.
Significant comments have been made to the TYNDP. For instance, a new chapter User's Guide to a new, updated and enriched TYNDP for electricity. This chapter presents all the documents related to the TYNDP package, and further explains the role of the TYNDP in the European energy governance, the methodologies behind the TYNDP and the way projects were assessed. Other changes to the reports and projects sheets are presented in the change log below.
Many of the comments adressed the next version of the TYNDP, either directly or because ENTSO-E could not materially take them into account at this point. The Network Development Stakeholder Group will help monitoring the follow up of these comments in the next version of the TYNDP.
Detailed assessment of comments All changes following the public consultation.The Results
Explore our complete interactive map. Find out everything you need to know about the status and impact assessment by clicking on each project. See below the interactive maps presenting the key boundaries identified in the system needs analysis of the TYNDP.
TO INTERACTIVE PROJECTS MAP → All results and dowloads → Storage projects →
See below the interactive map presenting the key boundaries identified in the system needs analysis of the TYNDP.