The Future

TYNDP stands for consistent and encompassing electricity grid pan-European planning exercise.

TYNDP stands for a fair and available grid planning process which targets the identification of future European investment needs, projects and their associated benefits and costs.

TYNDP is built for all of us with expertise from 34 European countries.

TYNDP 2016 consultation


ENTSO-E consults the TYNDP for three main reasons:

  • the future is developed by all of us and there is no one clearly defined path to reach it - developing suitable grid solutions that stands these possibilities is key.
  • planning and building the transmission infrastructure needs all of us to materialise - public acceptance impedes 25% of the pan-European projects to realise on time
  • present the information in a format and at a level that can be used not only by the experts but by all of us.

Your feedback counts

The consultation closed on 9 Sep 2016. Thank you for your contributions. We are currently reviewing all consultation submissions. A report detailing the results of this consultation will be made available in once this is completed.

Review the closed consultation →


The TYNDP reports and project sheets presented on this website are drafts for consultation. They will only be considered final after the comments received are assessed, and ENTSO-E and ACER have validated their publication. All information, including on any individual project, must be considered preliminary and is subject to change in the final version.

As per ENTSO-Es rules on consultations, a consultation document can only be modified during the consultation period in order to correct mistakes originated during the layout phase, which takes place after the internal document validation decisions are taken. ENTSO-E cannot accept to update a consultation document due to mistakes originating before the final validation of the document, be it the responsibility of ENTSO-E, its members or any other party.

The document for consultation was updated on 1 September 2016 to correct a “typo” in the flexibility indicator of project 1002 (iLand).


TYNDP 2018 on the way

Setting the assumptions for the future is key to a proper infrastructure development. Within the frame of the gas and electricity Ten-Year Network Development Plans 2018, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG, in collaboration with the European Commission, have invited the Member States (MSs), National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and European stakeholders to express their views on the gas and electricity future.

The ENTSOs organised two events, at one month apart from each other, where all the participants have been asked to develop 2030 scenarios and give their opinion on the ENTSOs proposed 2040 scenarios.

Although similar in nature and content the two events clearly highlighted a difference of view on the vision for 2040 between a more conservative approach (covering more a national perspective) and a more daring approach (pushed by the European stakeholders).

Below you can download:

The ENTSOs would like to thank all the stakeholders, EC, MSs and NRAs for their valuable feedback. They will further analyses the received feedback and will take it into account when building the TYNDP 2018 scenarios.

In the first part of October the ENTSOs will organise a Public Workshop on the TYNDP 2018 scenarios.

Stakeholders will be asked for direct input on the scenarios assumptions (for instance what means high economic growth in their opinion). The ENTSOs will send to all interested parties a template ahead of the workshop so that participants can discuss/collect the information internally before the event. We will present what scenarios we have chosen, what methodology we will use and what to expect next. Other events may be organized such as webinars and all the stakeholders will be informed in due time.

Here are links to past events on the TYNDP 2018 scenario development: